Portrait of Self with Higher Cheek Bones
Mixed media on canvas, 2008
Cross Cultural Examination #4
Archival digital image. 24" x 36", 2008
Cross Cultural Examination #2
20" x 30", 2007
Cross Cultural Examination #1
20" x 30", 2007
First Nations Joe
First Nations Joe, Mixed Blood Joe, Second Nations Joe. 29" x 21" each panel, Archival Digital Image, 2007
Red Man Descending
Mixed media on paper. 30" x 22", Collection of the artist, 2006
Healing the Spirit Within
22" x 36", 2005
A Little Bird Told Me So
Mixed media on paper. 22" x 30", 1999, Private Collection.
Red Willow
Serigraph. 22" x 22", 2005
Elder Man So Wise
Digital Image, 2005
The Creator Wards Off Winter
Mixed media on paper. 21" x 22", 2005
I Was Only a Boy
Ink Jet Print. 24" x 24". Rachel (Littlechild) Smith & son Jack, 1955, Edmonton Alberta, Collection of the Artist
Family Tree
Inkjet Print, 2007
Too Ethnic Looking to Model #1
Mixed media. 19" x 30.5", 2001, Collection of the Artist. Four Images of George Littlechild, Artist, 1979, Vancouver B.C.
Indian Foster Boy
Mixed media, 1996
Ermineskin School Mural
Panel 4, Mixed media, 5 x 4 feet
Mixed Blood, Sister, Friend
Digital Photograph. 24 x 24, Collection of the Artist. My sister Marilyn and son, Christmas 1987
An Indian Girl's First Communion
Big Sister Little Brother
5 feet x 7 feet. Acrylic on canvas, 1999